Home Schooling

With the onset of the Covid-19 Pandemic 15 months ago, more learners than ever have embarked on home schooling as a way to keep up to date with their studies.

Whilst it is not a choice that all parents/guardians would make, many children have been home schooled for as long as they can remember.

Whilst home schooling can solve a lot of issues, children may no longer gain the social interaction previously experienced in a mainstream school. When speaking to a number of adults who had received home schooling in the past, their main concern was the fact that they had not learned how to navigate situations in society that were considered normal and were lacking in understanding the rules of behaviour; they would normally have gained this through peer interaction. Because of this, they felt it difficult to fit in when embarking on higher education or their working career.

Nowadays, this is something that parents are more aware of and many home-schooled children have large social networks for support and are also able to join many clubs such as football, drama, ballet and music etc. This obviously, is still difficult for children living in remote areas with poor access to transport.

Putting aside the negatives and positives of home schooling, there is no doubt it has still enabled learners to earn their A Level and GCSE qualifications with excellent grades earned all round and any issues that have prevented them from studying in a mainstream school have been overcome, reducing stress levels.

Home schooling may not be the answer for everyone but if you would like to look into this further, please contact Learn Now Distance Learning College.